Don't know much about Black Garlic and its super food benefits, or want to know how to use it? Check out our frequently asked questions below.
It is raw garlic that has been slowly cooked for several weeks to a month. The garlic goes through the Maillard reaction and only uses pure water and gentle heat 65-70 degrees and humidity of 70%. There are no additives, and the raw, harsh taste of the garlic is removed so you can eat it without the smell of fresh garlic on your breath or body.
Black garlic has a sweet and savoury flavour profile which is unique. Such flavours include balsamic vinegar, molasses, and liquorice. It melts in your mouth, with a beautiful texture like a jellybean.
The garlic we use is sourced from organic garlic growers in the Margaret River region and is of exceptional quality. Like good cooking, you must start with good raw ingredients to produce a great meal.
We also carefully craft our Black Garlic to enhance the formation of its unique physicochemical properties.
1. Cardiovascular Health – One of the most recognised benefits of black garlic is its ability to help regulate blood pressure. Compounds in black garlic can dilate blood vessels and reduce resistance, leading to improved blood flow and potentially lower blood pressure.
2. Antioxidant Protection – The high concentration of antioxidants in black garlic helps combat oxidative stress, reducing inflammation and damage to blood vessel walls. This effect can be instrumental in preventing atherosclerosis.
3. Enhanced Immune Function – The bioactive compounds in black garlic support a healthy immune system, helping your clients stay resilient against illnesses.
4. Anti-Inflammatory Properties – Black garlic's anti-inflammatory potential can benefit those with inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis.
5. Digestive Support – Some people find that black garlic is gentler on the stomach and easier to digest compared to raw garlic.
6. Potential Anticancer Effects – While more research is needed, some studies suggest that black garlic may have anticancer properties.
7. Cholesterol Management – High cholesterol levels, particularly LDL cholesterol, are a known risk factor for heart disease. Black garlic has been shown to help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and may also support overall cholesterol balance.
8. Endothelial Function – Black garlic has shown the potential to enhance endothelial function,
which is vital for the regulation of blood pressure and overall cardiovascular health.
9. Reduced Plaque Formation – The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of black garlic may help reduce the formation of arterial plaques, thus lowering the risk of heart disease.
Want to learn more? Check out this great article by Dr. Rita Marie.
We used high-quality unfiltered Jarrah honey with a Total Activity (TA) score of 35 plus in our award winning Balsamic Vinegar.
TA is the combination of Peroxide Activity (PA) and Non-Peroxide Activity. In Jarrah honey, most of the activity is PA. It results from a reaction between an enzyme placed by bees called Glucose Oxidase and glucose. This reaction results in the gradual production of a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent when working in conjunction with honey’s other antiseptic properties. However, it is gentle on humans.
Jarrah honey is considered by research to have one of the highest TA scores. Want to learn more? Check out this article.
Some research suggests that balsamic vinegar has the following health benefits:
• Improves skin health due to antimicrobial compounds, acetic acid, and antioxidants.
• Reduction in blood sugar, reducing blood sugar level.
• Promotes digestion due to probiotics in balsamic vinegar.
• Lowering cholesterol.
• Leasing weight through making consumers feel full for longer than not using.
• Reduce hypertension (blood pressure).
For more, check out this article.
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