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Winter Recipes Featuring Our Aged Black Garlic Savoury Paste

Winter Recipes Featuring Our Aged Black Garlic Savoury Paste

In winter we tend to hibernate and stay at home more. For those who like to cook and entertain our Aged Black Garlic Savoury paste is a game changer.

Shop our savoury paste now.

We created our Aged Black Garlic Savoury Paste in 2022 which is a unique fusion of 14 ingredients with fresh rosemary and thyme, Jarrah honey, balsamic vinegar, onions, spices, and our award-winning black garlic organically grown in the Margaret River region. It is so versatile as a culinary ingredient to bring that extra depth of flavour and is perfect as an infusion marinade, stock for use in dressings, sauces, stir fry, slow cooking and as a relish.

Our Aged Black Garlic Savoury Paste has become one of our most popular black garlic products and won ‘Best Other Savoury Paste’ at the Melbourne Royal Australian Food Awards in 2023.


The Australian Food Awards is Australia’s leading national food awards program, celebrating excellence and recognising the best Australian food producers across major categories, including Dairy, Small-goods, and Preserves.

Entering the Australian Food Awards gives broad opportunities to Australian producers like us to leverage success locally and internationally with the AFA’s national brand seal of excellence and present producers, large and small, with the chance to establish their credentials in the Australian food industry and providing differentiation in the market for award winner. It has allowed Black Garlic & Co. to benchmark our product against competitors with unique, innovative results reporting, providing more information on where your product is ranked against your competitors.

The ingredients in our aged black garlic products especially our ABG savoury paste have many health benefits.

Black Garlic

  1. Boosts immunity
  2. Regulates blood glucose
  3. Antioxidant properties
  4. Protects brain health
  5. Improves heart health
  6. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases
  7. Helps with weight loss


Thyme is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It contains several helpful compounds that help improve overall health.


Studies have shown that the carnosic and rosmarinic acids in rosemary have powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. Consuming rosemary regularly can potentially help lower the risk of infection and help the immune system fight any infections that do occur.

Check out our recipes section for some of our favourite recipes.


Happy Cooking!

Dionne, Black Garlic & Co


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